A+ Educare is an excellent ideal coaching Centre launched by a group of eminent and experienced professionals in the broad way of competitive exams. Established in March 2013 now functions in a purpose built building with modern facilities at different places. You can find a motivating and supportive learning environment to promote academic achievement and positive personal growth necessary to be successful.
A+ Educare will provide private tuition and extra lessons to grade 8 - 10 school learners. We offer a wide range of tutors that have proven track record of grooming successful students. We would match the right tutor with the student according to the student’s need to help students cope and achieve better grades for the coming examinations. We provide one-to-one attention to each student. A+ Educare will help you to achieve your potential in the subjects that you are already excelling, or boost your confidence in the subjects that you previously under-perform in. Our teachers are highly qualified, dedicated and affordable. Many of them are top in their field (top in the particular subject) and have superb experience & track record to guide students to achieve outstanding results and give previously under-performing children a track record of success.